Blog News! Finally! Ski Pool, indexing, Weekly Wax Calls, etc.

12 Mar 2018 8:13 PM | Deleted user

Greeting Tuning Blogs fans! Ok, tuning blog FAN, who am i kidding?!

Yes, your aging Tuning Geek (no, I'm not Yoda) is winding down his CMAC Coaching career... on-hill at least. BUT! I WILL Still be around and available, although mostly in town, for tuning help, Speed Pool, and possibly even some Private Coaching and Masters Coaching. Stay Tuned.

Because of the success of the Speed Pool, for sure CMAC will be continuing that program. Alan and I haven't worked out all the details yet, but we will figure it out soon and let everyone know What's Up.

The blog will soon be Indexed and in a better order, hopefully more useful. It is on my to-do list...

For next season (God willing), I will be introducing a Weekly Wax Call for all of our home and away races. Heck, I might even try it for Northwest Cup Final. Why not, right?  It will be in 4 languages: Swix, Toko, Homekol, and Dominator.

For those who REALLY want the Tuning Secrets, I can do some individual (or small group) clinics. Contrary to popular rumor, I AM willing to share many secrets, but I only share what I think can be helpful. Too much information just makes some people dangerous.

See you soon!

-John (aka: Gadget)

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